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Jandakot Airport Car Park 

Services: Civil Engineering Design

55 Car Park Design

Location: Jandakot

Design and Draft Drawings for Construction


Drainage onsite storage and details to Jandakot Airport requirements
Earthwork and pavement levels
Vehicle turning movement assessment
Retaining wall
Modified existing carpark markings at the office building to create more accessible car parking


HV rooms nomination of proprietary system
Fencing nomination of proprietary system

Pre Tender 

We compared the tender prices & recommended that an estimate of construction costs be undertaken. We provided this pre tender estimate based on the design drawings


We untertook the tendering procedure for the construction

 We formed a tender package (provisions for an AS 4000 Contract) and then obtained prices from multiple contractors 


Provided a report on the tender results with recommendations

Superintendence of Construction and Administration of AS4000Contract

We superintended the construction, which included the administration of an AS4000b contract 

As-Constructed Drawings

On receipt of as-constructed information from the surveyor, we prepared “As
Constructed” drawings

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